The last 13 pages were a killer - literally. This is where the Queen, the King, Laertes and Hamlet (in that order) all kick the bucket in tragic style. Hamlet took me more than five hours to die... it's no wonder I'm wrung out!
So, for a bit of recreation, here are a few photos of my drawing room (no, not a place for English ladies to take tea - I mean my little studio). I'm always fascinated to peek into other scribblers' workspaces, so I hope that if I post mine here, I might receive a few links to pictures of other people's messy desks, decorated walls and overflowing shelves...
Here goes:
The enormous folder in the front is the Hamlet roughs. And at eye level on the wall is that lovely picture of Ginevra King.
Much-needed shelf space for all the odds and ends that don't fit into the bookcase.
The mysterious newspaper-pasted thing at the bottom is a work in progress, which I hope to complete before Squidmas. It's a large papier mache armadillo - I'm planning to give it to the Big Squid as a present. It was supposed to be a surprise, but you just try hiding a great big armadillo from your beloved... Actually, when Big Squid accidentally saw it he thought it was a pig - so there is still a small element of surprise involved.
And a couple of things from the walls...
Hmm. Need a pincushion to go with that last wall?
Congrats on the roughs! *clappin*
How's about a little more Bernini?
I like that huge pile of roughs!
No ergonomic chair?! Wow. Go splurge on an Aeron, it's my favorite piece of furnitue/toy. Just buy a used/floor model:
Thanks all.
Nathalie, your photos are wonderful. I especially love the one of the decorative vase shaped like a woman's head. Ok, it's no Bernini, but I love that stuff!
Jacob, the chair looks amazing. But I actually prefer to draw while sitting on a hard wooden chair. Drawing never gives me any back or other pain. Close computer work, where I have my nose jammed up against the screen for hours, is another story. Lucky I have a good physio.
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